Monday, May 27, 2013

Back to the Business Basics

Many business owners have wisely spent time and money to keep their business name out there for the buying public.  With everyone working on their SEO program, having a presence with LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, attending networking events and happy hours, you may find yourself saying "Am I doing all I can?" 

Remember the basics of running a business.  Do not overlook how your staff is answering incoming phone calls, email responses and greeting customers.

Answering the phone by saying "ABC Company" isn't the way to answer the phone.  Saying "Good morning, this is ABC Company" is a more professional way to answer.  It is up to the office manager or business owner to ensure your staff is properly trained on answering phone calls. 

Review your companies email policy.  Does the staff respond to emails within a reasonable time?  Is the reply email worded in a professional manner?  Keep in mind the written words should be written as if the person is in front of you. 

How does your staff greet customers?  As soon as a customer walks into your business, greet them with at least a "Hello" to acknowledge you know they are there.  Your staff may not be able to assist them right away so have a policy for these situations.  If a customer is not greeted professionally they could walk right out your door, therefore, you probably lost a sale and potential customer.

Customers come to your business for your expertise.    Each business and profession has different terminology.   Do not assume your customers know all about your business terminology and processes. Remind your staff that they may need to talk in more basic terms when explaining a project with customers.   People in nature are sometimes afraid to admit they are not familiar with a process.      Customers will appreciate your staff taking to time to explain your business terminology or  showing them the process.

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