Most consumers are connected in social media in at least one way if not more. Your business will get positive and negative feedback from customers so you will need to understand how to respond strategically to their feedback.
When you joined a social media, were you thinking you might be putting your business at risk. Being open to customer feedback on Facebook or Twitter can help your business.
Customers want to interact with you on social media. It is great to get positive feedback for the attention. Keep in mind negative comments still can have value when your response is appropriate.
If a customer has a negative comment to make about your business, let them say it. You should respond to the negative comment appropriately. You might be surprised when you find loyal customers coming to your defense.
The rules for responding to complaints on social media is the same as in person. Review the complaint and then look into the situation. Respond right away if you plan on responding on social media. Handling negative feedback on social media well, could turn into a positive. Customers and prospects may be impressed on how your business handled the comment.
Keep an eye on your business’s social media properties so you can turn a bad customer experience into a sales opportunity.
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Most consumers are connected in social media in at least one way if not more. Your business will get positive and negative feedback from customers so you will need to understand how to respond strategically to their feedback. get real instagram followers